Association between dietary potassium intake and serum potassium levels in long-term hemodialysis patients at Samutprakan hospital


  • โสภา เอกวิโรจน์สกุล Department of Nutrition, Samutprakan Hospital, Samutprakan
  • อัญชนีย์ อุทัยพัฒนาชีพ Department of Home Economics, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University


Hemodialysis, Dietary potassium intake, Serum potassium


The objectives of this research were to study the relationship between dietary potassium intake and serum potassium. The study subjects were 27 long-term hemodialysis patients of Samutprakan hospital. Data were collected by using 24-hours food records for 3 days continuous and patients health record calculated by INMUCAL_Nutrients V.3 and the food exchange list for chronic kidney disease. The statistical methods used in data analysis were standard deviation, frequency, percentage, Pearson correlation coefficient and paired samplest test for comparing the result calculated from INMUCAL_Nutrients V.3 and exchange list. The result showed that 63 % of the representative samples were women, aged 60 years and above. Their average energy intake was 1028.74+266.03 kcal per day or 64.16% of guidelines. The average protein intake was 39.26+12.6 g. per day or 54.61 % of guidelines. Their average potassium intake was 926.89+290.36 mg. per day. Average serum potassium was 4.82 mmol./L. Most of the underlining disease were hypertension and diabetes. Amount of potassium in the diet was calculated using INMUCAL-Nutrients V.3 and food exchange list for chronic kidney disease were shown that the dietary potassium intake was statistically correlated with serum potassium at p-value of 0.05 (r=0.405) and 0.01 (r=0.506) respectivity. The average potassium intake calculated by means of INMUCAL-Nutrients V.3 was 926.90+290.36 mg/d. while food exchange list was 1089.63+388.38 mg./d. The result taken from INMUCAL_Nutrients V.3 was statistical significant lower than that of exchange list at p-value of 0.01. Therefore, suggestion is long-term hemodialysis patients avoid a consuming of high potassium food. Encourage a patient to consume the food which have enough energy and protein.


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How to Cite

เอกวิโรจน์สกุล โ., & อุทัยพัฒนาชีพ อ. (2016). Association between dietary potassium intake and serum potassium levels in long-term hemodialysis patients at Samutprakan hospital. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 51(2), 1–10. retrieved from



Research article