Nutritional status and development of 3-5 year-old children in Regional Health Center 4 area


  • บุญชอบ เกษโกวิท Regional Health Center 4 Saraburi, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health


Children, Nutritional Status, Child Development


Preschool children are considered the important age group for country development in the future. Child care and feeding practice has the impact on nutritional status and child development, particularly during the period from maternal pregnancy through the children age of 6-years. The nutritional status and child development of 3-5 year-old children were studied in this research to determine maternal and child factors that were associated with child development. Three hundred and fifty preschool children were randomly recruited from child development centers located in 4 provinces. The child centers were under the supervision of the Department of Local Administration, Ministry of Interior. Body weight and height were measured in all children. Nutritional status was assessed using weight-for-age, height-for-age and weight-for-height indicators. The Denver II that covers 5 developmental areas as gross motor, fine motor, language and personal-social was the tools for assessment child growth and development. Results found that 16.6% of children were obese and 13.7% of children were underweight when assessed by weight-for-age. The prevalence of stunting, overweight and underweight with weight-for-height evaluation were 6.3%, 15.1%, 18.2% respectively. 71.4% of children were normal growth and development. In addition, the numbers of stunted children with the delayed development were found higher than the other groups. Logistic regression analysis indicated that factors that were associated with the delayed development of children were female children, low birth weight infant and the history illness of children. It was concluded that child growth and development in preschool children were still the public health problem in Regional Health Center 4 area. The monitoring of the nutritional status, child development and supporting of maternal health promotion since onset of pregnancy should be considerate as national policy.


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How to Cite

เกษโกวิท บ. (2017). Nutritional status and development of 3-5 year-old children in Regional Health Center 4 area. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 52(2), 1–15. Retrieved from



Research article