Development of healthy snack recipes from mushroom that have proven for controlling blood sugar


  • บุษรา มุกดาสกุลภิบาล สถาบันโภชนาการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
  • วันทนีย์ เกรียงสินยศ Wantanee Kriengsinyos
  • สมศรี เจริญเกียรติกุล Institute of Nutrition, Mahidol University


Healthy snack recipes, Pleurotus ostreatus, Agaricus bisporus


Diet therapy is highly effective to control blood sugar (BS). Diabetic patient should eat on time and the same amount in each meal for maintaining BS level. Hence, healthy snack is necessary. Currently, studies have shown that many mushrooms have the potential to help regulate BS levels. This study aimed to develop healthy snack recipes containing mushroom that are available in Thailand for patients and general people. The research began with searching for mushrooms that had been studied for effective controlling BS in which the desirable amount to consume/serving of fresh mushroom could be determined. Literature search and adjusted by moisture found that fresh oyster mushroom 30.2 g and white button mushroom 118.7 g are likely to help control BS levels. Thereafter, four healthy snack recipes made up the specific amount of those mushrooms were developed. Sensory evaluation and an appropriate portion size was performed by dietitians and sensory experts. Adjustment of recipes was done until recipes were accepted. The desirable amount of potential mushrooms could be placed in one serving of each healthy snack recipe, which the energy levels ranged from 60 - 219 kcal/serving. All healthy snack recipes achieved the limit of added sugar in which a half of them were no sugar added. These healthy snacks are suitable for both diabetics and general people for controlling or maintaining BS levels. However, these potential developed healthy snack recipes should be further evaluated on efficacy of controlling BS in human consuming these menus on a daily basis.


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How to Cite

มุกดาสกุลภิบาล บ., เกรียงสินยศ ว., & เจริญเกียรติกุล ส. (2017). Development of healthy snack recipes from mushroom that have proven for controlling blood sugar. Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online), 52(1), 1–11. Retrieved from



Research article