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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • The author(s) shall conduct and report their research following the highest ethical integrity, using good scientific practices, presenting valid and reliable evidence, and avoiding plagiarism or replication of tables, figures, and written content taken from others or elsewhere. Manuscripts that report studies will state the approval of the appropriate ethics or human subjects committee
  • The manuscript format is 16-pointfont, Browallia UPC in Microsoft Word with single-spacing, and paper is not exceedingly more than 12 pages.
  • The author(s) should adhere strictly to the Author Guidelines in preparing their manuscript and submitting to the BCNNON Health Science Research Journal.
  • Receiving IRB not more than 3 years

Guideline for submission

     The Editorial team encourage everyone to submit academic paper in nursing research, literature reviews, public health, education, and innovation in healthcare for publishing on the BCNNON Health Science Research Journal (BHSRJ). BHSRJ welcomes the original manuscript in Thai and English that are based on BHSRJ’s requirements and conditions as follow:

  1. The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  2. Manuscript that is ready for publishing should certify IRB from the source of data collection and report present the evidence and the certificate number of IRB.
  3. All submitted manuscripts are peer reviewed by at least two expert referees for these initial standards. The author should revise and resubmit the manuscript promptly.
  4. English abstract is related to Thai abstract and corrected Grammar.
  5. The Editorial team will report the consideration to the author. All submitted manuscript are required to resubmit on time.
  6. Regarding research paper, it should report IRB certification not more than 3 years.

*download  Author Guidelines.pdf

*download  Template.pdf