Applications of Cannabis in Food and Its Potential Perspectives
Cannabis is a plant of the hemp family (Cannabinaceae) that has long been used as a food because it is a superfood containing phytonutrients with interesting biological activity. This review article discusses both the positive and negative health effects of cannabis, as well as the legalization of cannabis use in Thailand, including its use in various foods. Cannabis contains a variety of bioactive phytonutrients that are both health beneficial and psychoactive effect. In recent years, many phytonutrients in cannabis have been developed into active ingredients in a wide range of foods, including beverages, confectioneries, bakeries, and other food ingredients. In addition, this review provides scientific research literature on the potential use of cannabis and its derivatives as dietary supplements for possible health benefits and future applications. Thus, the goal of this article is to review the empirical scientific evidence on the use of cannabis in food. The results of this study will serve as a preliminary guide to the application of cannabis in food and its future use.
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