Elderly Care in the Health Service System from Perspectives of Elders and Families


  • นงลักษณ์ พรหมติงการ Faculty of Nursing, Boromarajonani College of Nursing
  • สุชาติ เครื่องชัย
  • สุดาวัลย์ สายสืบ
  • อภิรดี คำเงิน
  • จุฑาทิพย์ เดชเดชะ


perspective, elderly, family, health system


This objective of descriptive research was to study the elderly care in the health service system from the perspectives of elders and families of Lampang, during March to August 2018. The participants were selected by purposive sampling which consisted of 800 elders and families.   The instrument was a questionnaire consisting of 2 parts 1) personal data of the sample and 2) views of the elderly and their families on the care of the elderly in the health care service system. The research questionnaire was developed by the researcher who reviewed literature related to the elderly health care service system. The content validity index of questionnaire was 1.00. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.

The research found that the elderly's perspective on the elderly health care service system was at a high level ( = 3.98, S.D. = 0.67) and the highest was positive attitude to elderly ( = 4.26, S.D. = 0.65). Moreover, the family’s view about the elderly health care service system was at a high level           ( = 4.08, S.D. = 0.87) and positive attitude towards elderly was the most popular also ( = 4.33, S.D. = 0.61).

The results can help nurses and public health officers by giving a basis for developing a better health care services and quality of nursing. Furthermore, It can be used in public policy and to humanize care that is suitable for the elders and families.


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How to Cite

พรหมติงการ น, เครื่องชัย ส, สายสืบ ส, คำเงิน อ, เดชเดชะ จ. Elderly Care in the Health Service System from Perspectives of Elders and Families. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [Internet]. 2019 Jun. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 3];23(1):107-19. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/HCUJOURNAL/article/view/181966



Research article