Preventive Alcohol Beverage Consumption Behavior Among Undergraduate Students : A Case Study in a Private University


  • ดรุณวรรณ สมใจ คณะสาธารณสุขศาสตร์และสิ่งแวดล้อม มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ


preventive alcohol beverage, consumption behavior


The purpose of this cross-sectional survey research was to study preventive behaviors for alcohol beverage consumption among undergraduate students with the sample of 380 students. The data collection was conducted by using a questionnaire with one-hundred percent of feedback. It was found that variables influencing preventive behaviors for alcohol consumption among students in the university arranged from the highest to the lowest: self-efficacy among the students in drinking prevention, dwelling aspects, gender, family’s financial status, knowledge about alcohol beverage, and peer support. These factors resulted in improvement of the students’ preventive behaviors for alcohol consumption.The independent variables indicated alcohol-preventive behaviors by 43.4 percent. Additionally, the researcher found an implicit correlation between university support and preventive behaviors. Furthermore, preventive behaviors for alcohol beverage consumption correlated with the students’ academic achievement. That was, students with good preventive drinking behaviors earned their academic achievement by 76.3 percent. The correlation level was at medium level employing Gamma measure (gamma=0.319). Similarly, the study indicated that the preventive behaviors also affected the students’ quality of life. That was, ones with good preventive behaviors tended to have a better quality of life indicated by 4.8 percent. The result indicated that if the university wanted to fortify preventive behaviors for alcohol beverage consumption among students, it could achieve the goal by reinforcing self-efficacy to the students through activities or several interest-base clubs especially among male students. They would spend time usefully and benefited from teamwork and peers reinforcement Besides, the university enlightened distinct policy and continuous campaign to reinforce prevention of alcohol beverage. The majority of the students were aware of these to prevent behaviors for alcohol consumption. The policies were effective toward increasing preventive behaviors for drinking consumption among students. in one important way. This enabled the university to prevent possible problems due to alcohol consumption of the students. Hence, the activity promotion was a significant way to equip students with better preventive behaviors for alcohol consumption which would lead to better academic achievement and quality of life.


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How to Cite

สมใจ ด. Preventive Alcohol Beverage Consumption Behavior Among Undergraduate Students : A Case Study in a Private University. Journal of Health Sciences and Wellness [internet]. 2017 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 10];20(40):127-39. available from:



Research article