The Effect of Integrated Exercise-Oriented Program on Fatigue in Persons with Chronic Kidney Disease Receiving Hemodialysis
Main Article Content
Purpose: To study the effect of integrated program emphasizing exercise on fatigue in
persons with chronic kidney disease receiving hemodialysis.
Design: Quasi-experimental design.
Method: The participants were fifty patients with chronic kidney disease receiving
hemodialysis. The participants were divided into two groups: 25 experimental and
25 control groups. While the control group received the conventional nursing care, the
experimental group participated in the integrated exercise-oriented program intradialytic
exercise. The research instrument used for data collection was the Fatigue Severe Scale
questionnaires which has a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.85. Data were analyzed
using Descriptive statistics, repeated measures ANOVA and independent t-test.
Results: 1) The mean score of fatigue in the experimental group and receiving the integrated
program emphasizing exercise was significant lower after participating in the integrated
program emphasizing exercise, at the .05 level.
2) The mean score of fatigue in the experimental group and receiving the integrated
program emphasizing exercise was significant lower than in those who received regular
nursing care, at the .05 level.
Conclusion: The integrated exercise-oriented program could decrease fatigue in persons
with chronic kidney disease receiving hemodialysis.
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ลิขสิทธิ์ของบทความที่ตีพิมพ์เป็นของวารสารพยาบาลศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย ทั้งฉบับตีพิมพ์เป็นรูปเล่มและเอกสารออนไลน์
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