“Continuing life” Of Adolescents with Cancer Relapse Receiving Palliative Care

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Thipkasorn Wannaphak
Surasak Treenai


Objective: To describe the living of patients with cancer relapse who were received palliative care.
Research Design: Qualitative research using Edmund Husserl phenomenology approach.
Research Methodology: The key informants selected with purposive sampling were adolescents patients (boys and girls), diagnosed by doctors which they had leukemia lymphoma and central nervous system tumors. They were treated with chemotherapy for at least 1 year, perceived and received palliative care for at least 6 months. Data were collected by in-depth interviews based on means of Colaizzi until the information was saturated. A total of the key informants were 9 patients.
Results: “Continuing life” is one of the main points from this study by dividing into three important areas: 1) Life different from others: It is a life changing because of sickness, so they do not have to stay in the same age. 2) Life with happiness: It is to be happy continue to live with cancer illnesses and 3) Life with encouragement and support for self and family: By seeking a person to hold on to the encouragement of living.
Conclusion: This result showed that health professionals have understood aspects of the palliative care of relapse patients during recurrent-cancer treatment. The data can be used as a guideline for assessing the problem and needs for palliative care nursing interventions for those patients precisely and appropriately.

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Research articles


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