Effectiveness of Thailand National Quitline Services: A Gender Analysis
Main Article Content
Purpose: To study demographic characteristics, smoking behaviors, differentiation between
gender and smoking behaviors and quit rate among smokers calling Thailand National
Quitline (TNQ)
Design: Quasi-experimental study
Methods: The 650 smokers who called TNQ during September 2016 to February 2017
were voluntary assigned into three interventions; 1) text to quit (n=143), 2) telephone
counseling (n=121), and 3) text to quit and telephone counseling (n=386), and set quit
date within next 30 days. Data collection was done by telephone interviewing. Descriptive
analysis for the demographic data indicated that most of subjects were male (85.85%),
25-44 years old (43.38%), smoked 11-20 cigarettes per day (55.69%). Data were analyzed
with descriptive statistics, independent t-test and chi-square.
Results: The findings of this study emphasize that men and women smokers had a significant
difference of average score of being nicotine dependent (t=-2.22, p-value=.027). However,
there were no statistically significant differences in continuous abstinence rate at 7 days,
30 days, 3 and 6 months of both sexes.
Conclusions: The results revealed that TNQ services were effective for helping smokers
to attain quitting smoking and suitable in both male and female. Consequently, there is
not necessary for a gender-specific smoking cessation intervention.
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