Nurses’ Role in Caring for Patient with Major Depressive Disorder, Patients’ Self-Care and the participation of Family and Community
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Major Depressive Disorder is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. It can be diagnosed in all gender and age groups which only exacerbates in terms of the number of cases as the years go by. It affects patients’ physical, emotional and mental cognition as well as their behavior patterns. Symptoms include depression, lack of interest, hopelessness, decreased appetite and weight loss, or, in some cases, increased appetite. Other signs include poor concentration, insomnia or oversleeping, acute pessimism, and feelings of worthlessness which can lead to suicide. Needless to say, this eventually impacts families and society at large. Decreased ability of the patients in interacting with family members can cause misunderstanding, arguments or even divorces. Their reduced contribution to the society as a productive workforce also proves to be a burden on governments. Nurses play such an important role in patient care. Therefore, being well-informed is essential to their understanding and giving proper care to the patients. Help from family and community cannot be overlooked either. Their knowledge and understanding can be a significant factor in the patients’ recovery as well as reduction of relapse rates.
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