nursing assistant school, nurse entrepreneur, live experiencesAbstract
This qualitative research aimed to describe the experiences of nurse entrepreneurs in preparing to establish nursing assistant schools. This study employed a descriptive qualitative research methodology. Twelve nurse entrepreneurs from nursing assistant schools accredited by the Office of the Private Education Commission, Ministry of Education, and with at least 3 years of experience in operating such nursing assistant schools participated in this study. These schools were designated as nursing assistant school models by the Nursing Assistant School Association of Thailand in 2022. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observations, and field notes. The data were analyzed and interpreted using thematic analysis and assessed for trustworthiness.
The findings revealed that preparation for establishing a nursing assistant school involved ten themes: 1) Studying relevant regulations and guidelines, 2) Ensuring financial readiness, 3) Finding a suitable location and preparing the premises, 4) Preparing equipment according to Ministry of Education standards, 5) Preparing documents for obtaining permission, 6) Applying for permission to establish the care school, 7) Preparing for standard assessments to obtain establishment approval, 8) Organizing the organizational structure and defining responsibilities, 9) Developing or seeking approval for curricula, and 10) Addressing challenges in the process of establishing the school.
This study reveals the preparation process for establishing nursing assistant schools by nurse entrepreneurs and serves as foundational information for nurses and new entrepreneurs interested in operating nursing assistant schools.
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