bowel preparation, health literacy, patient activationAbstract
This predictive research aimed to examine the predictors of bowel preparation quality- bowel preparation knowledge, health literacy, patient activation, bowel preparation behavior, and patient-health care provider communication with patients undergoing colonoscopy. The sample included 193 outpatients undergoing colonoscopy at a high-level tertiary hospital. Data were collected using questionnaires that evaluated bowel preparation knowledge, health literacy, patient activation, bowel preparation behavior, communication between patient and health care provider, and bowel preparation quality. The reliability indices of the research instruments were assessed using Cronbach’s alpha coefficients, yielding values of .70, .94, .83, .79, and .94, respectively. Data analysis employed hierarchical binary logistic regression statistics with the backward Wald method.
The results of this study revealed that patients with higher levels of patient activation, health literacy, knowledge about bowel preparation, and positive bowel preparation behavior exhibited better bowel preparation quality, with odds ratios of 2.93, 2.05, 1.34, and 1.28, respectively. However, patient-provider communication was not identified as a predictor of bowel preparation quality.
Hence, healthcare providers should encourage patients undergoing colonoscopy based on patient activation, health literacy, bowel preparation behavior and knowledge to allow patients to access bowel preparation quality.
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