parenting stress, children with autism spectrum disorder, COVID-19, behavior problem, online learningAbstract
This research aimed to investigate the factors predicting parenting stress in parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The sample consisted of 85 parents of children with ASD who sought services at the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Department under the Department of Mental Health. The instruments for the data collection were a Parental Stress Scale, Home Situation Questionnaire-Autism Spectrum Disorder, Revised-Thai Version of the Multi-dimentional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Resilience Inventory, Worry about COVID-19 Scale, and Distance Education Scale. The reliability indicies of research instruments were tested by Cronbach’s alpha coefficients equal to .78, .97, .91, .93, .93 and .77, respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression.
The findings revealed that behavior problems of children with ASD, resilience, and parental attitude about online learning accounted for 38 percent of parenting stress in parents of children with ASD (R2 = .38, R2Change = .04, F (3,79) = 16.03, p < .05). Hence, the findings can be utilized as basic information to develop a guideline preventing parenting stress in the parents of children with ASD.
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