
  • อังคณา สุเมธสิทธิกุล The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • อมราภรณ์ หมีปาน The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • สายสมร เฉลยกิตติ The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • อภิญญา อินทรรัตน์ The Royal Thai Army Nursing College
  • นันทิกานต์ กลิ่นเชตุ The Royal Thai Army Nursing College


model of nursing students identity development


              The purpose of the research was to study the model of nursing student identity development in the Royal Thai Army Nursing College. The informants of this study, using purposive selection, were 17 persons involved in the educational management of the bachelor of nursing science of the Royal Thai Army Nursing College. The informants included former commanders, commanders of nursing instructors, nursing students, and alumnus of the said institution. The researcher utilized semi-structured interview in the data collection. Content analysis was used to analyze the interviewed data.

              The royal Thai army nursing student’s identity development was focused on 3 sub-issues, which includes the following: 1) Personal identity which referred to the outstanding and different specific characters of general nurses; 2) Academic identity which referred to the knowledge of nursing science and military medicine; and 3) Professional identity which referred to the standard nursing competencies and the readiness of nursing performance in every situation. Furthermore, the model of nursing student identity development consisted of 5 elements as follows: 1) On the policy, curriculum and context, the Royal Thai Army aimed to produce nursing graduates who must present the desired identity that responded to the policy and mission of the military. The Royal Thai Army nurses have to be distinguished by specifying the desired competencies using good role models and adjusting appropriately according to the changing conditions; 2) On the input, the selection of the students who have proper qualification must be done. Nursing instructors and military officers serve as the role models by teaching and cultivating discipline, military personality and nursing professional spirit to the nursing students. 3) On the identity development process, specification of targeted competencies and behaviors which show the desired identity must be included in the curriculum design together with extracurricular activities. 4) On the facilitating factors to promote success and 5) Production, the involved persons must show their idea towards the model of nursing student identity development at an appropriately high level. Moreover, the possibility of using the model to develop the Royal Thai Army nursing student’s identity is also at an appropriately high level as well.


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How to Cite

สุเมธสิทธิกุล อ., หมีปาน อ., เฉลยกิตติ ส., อินทรรัตน์ อ., & กลิ่นเชตุ น. (2019). MODEL OF NURSING STUDENT IDENTITY DEVELOPMENT, THE ROYAL THAI ARMY NURSING COLLEGE. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 11(1), 184–197. retrieved from



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