
  • หนึ่งหทัย ชัยเลิศคงธนากูล Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University
  • ยุพิน อังสุโรจน์ Faculty of Nursing, Chulalongkorn University


competencies of infirmary nurse


            The purposes of this research were to study the core competencies and sub- competencies of infirmary nurse. Subjects were 20 administrative experts with knowledge and experience of infirmary nurse. Descriptive research using Delphi technique was used. Three steps were designed to collect data. Step 1, all experts were interviewed regarding the competency of infirmary nurse. Step 2, interviewed data were analyzed by using content analysis in order to develop the competency of infirmary nurse questionnaire. Then, the questionnaire was sent to all experts to rate their opinions. Step 3, data were analyzed by using median and inter-quartile range. Then, the questionnaire with the median and inter-quartile range of each item was sent to all previous experts for their confirmation. Data were analyzed again using median and interquartile range to summarize the final findings.

            The results showed that the competencies of infirmary nurse consisted of 6 domains,  resulting in 38 items. They were 1) performance of basic medical care (9 items), 2) performance of monitoring- disease prevention and screening patients (5 items), 3) performance of salutary (8 items), 4) performance of strategic management and coordination management (7 items), 5) proactive performance of personal development (4 items), and 6) proactive performance of team development (5 items). Executives could use the results from this study to recruit, plan and develop competencies of infirmary nurse.


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How to Cite

ชัยเลิศคงธนากูล ห., & อังสุโรจน์ ย. (2019). COMPETENCIES OF INFIRMARY NURSE. JOURNAL OF THE POLICE NURSES AND HEALTH SCIENCE, 11(1), 24–34. retrieved from



Research Articles