Promoting Digital Competency for Nurses


  • Phussita Sirinaphussit Vichaiyut Hospital
  • Arpakorn Prewnim Faculty of Nursing, North Bangkok University


Digital competence, Nursing quality, Promotion


Promoting digital competence for nurses involves integrating skills, knowledge, attitudes, and the ability to apply them effectively in real-world situations, adapted to diverse contexts. This enables nurses to confidently navigate technological changes and the complexities of their professional responsibilities, including challenges related to data security and patient privacy. Therefore, fostering digital competence is essential for both the present and future of nursing practice. Key strategies include developing and updating training curricula to encompass relevant digital technologies, conducting hands-on workshops focused on the application of new technologies in nursing, and establishing online communities or learning platforms where nurses can exchange knowledge and experiences in the digital domain. Additionally, creating easily accessible online resources and supporting workshops where nurses can share their experiences with technology will further enhance their digital capabilities. It is imperative for management to implement continuous training strategies and allocate resources or budgets to ensure the ongoing promotion of digital competence among nurses.


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How to Cite

Sirinaphussit, P., & Prewnim, A. (2024). Promoting Digital Competency for Nurses. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 35(2), 278–289. Retrieved from