Factors Affecting Preventive Behaviors in Preventing Diabetic Kidney Disease of Diabetic Patients in Thapthan Distrist, Uthaitani Province


  • Nipada Vorapo Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University
  • Chakkraphan Phetphum Faculty of Public Health, Naresuan University


Diabetic kidney disease, Diabetes mellitus, Preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease


This predictive correlational research aimed to study factors affecting preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease of diabetic patients. The samples consisted of 355 diabetic patients in Thapthan Distrist, Uthaitani Province. The research instruments included the personal information questionnaire, the knowledge of preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease questionnaire with reliability of .70, the four-aspect perceiving questionnaire with reliabilities in the range of .72–.82, the access to public health services questionnaire with reliability of .73, the receiving health information questionnaire with reliability of .90, the family support questionnaire with reliability of .79, and the preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease questionnaire with reliability of .83. Data were collected from October to December, 2019. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

The research results revealed that 63.94% of diabetic patients had a high level of preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease. Age, knowledge of preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease, perceived obstacles in preventing diabetic kidney disease, access to public health services, and family support could statistically significantly explain 31.20% of the variation in preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease of diabetic patients (R2 = .312, p < .05). The most predicting factor was perceived obstacles in preventing diabetic kidney disease (Beta = -.259, p < .001) followed by family support (Bata = .247, p < .001), knowledge of preventive behaviors in preventing diabetic kidney disease (Bata = .193, p < .001), age (Bata = .167, p < .001), and access to public health services (Bata = .158, p < .01), respectively.

This research suggests that health care providers should encourage family members of diabetic patients to participate in preventing diabetic kidney disease, such as providing appropriate diet as well as reducing perceived obstacles in preventing diabetic kidney disease.


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How to Cite

Vorapo, N., & Phetphum, C. (2023). Factors Affecting Preventive Behaviors in Preventing Diabetic Kidney Disease of Diabetic Patients in Thapthan Distrist, Uthaitani Province. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 34(1), 237–249. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/pnc/article/view/261327



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)
