Development of an Appropriate Health Care System for the Aging Society: A Case Study of Bangkaja Community, Muang District, Chanthaburi Province


  • Rudchanok Klinchat Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, Praboromarajchanok Institute
  • Kwansiri Charoensup Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University
  • Thanwa Jitsanguan Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University


Health care system, Aging society, Age-friendly community, Chanthaburi Province


The research was an interdisciplinary study to investigate the existing health care system of Bangkaja community in Chanthaburi Province in order to respond to global trend in preparing the Thai aging society. The mixed method research (MMR), participatory action research (PAR), weighted SWOT planning and applied health economics (AHE) were all employed in this research. Accordingly, the research aimed to suggest the integrated development approach for the age-friendly community through all involved participating sectors. Collection of data, with the reliability of interview questionnaires at .93, was derived during September 2019-May 2020 from the interview of 240 aging people together with 2 group meetings attained by 44 participants. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, and content analysis.

The research found that the solid formation of age-friendly community was related to 3 key development partners including community members, local organizations and external agencies. These partners would play different leading roles in supporting the age-friendly community together. The aging people as the center of community development plan were also very diverse in their health status, family background and caretaking demand. Application of the age-friendly community concept (AFC/WHO) in the group meetings revealed 9 significant priority projects in the studied community. Estimation of financial investment in such projects as compared with the assumedly decreased health cost of aging people concluded that these proposed projects were economically feasible.

The research therefore suggested the movement of age-friendly community within the participatory approach of 4 main missions including retreat of community situation, specific promotion plans, integrated project implementation and sustainable community health care agenda. Various approaches and measures from 3 main interaction including motivation and service, presentation and support as well as response and participation from different development partners were finally suggested.


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How to Cite

Klinchat, R., Charoensup, K., & Jitsanguan, T. (2021). Development of an Appropriate Health Care System for the Aging Society: A Case Study of Bangkaja Community, Muang District, Chanthaburi Province. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 32(1), 205–223. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)