The Development of Health Status Assessment Based on the Cultural Model for Transcultural Clients


  • Laddawan Puttaruksa Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University
  • Jinjutha Chaisena Dallas Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University


Health status assessment based on cultural model, Transcultural clients


This descriptive research using the Delphi technique aimed to study the key components and sub-elements of health status assessment based on the cultural model for transcultural clients. The Delphi technique was utilized with 18 experts comprising nursing administration specialists, institutional education specialists in higher education or research in transcultural nursing, and transcultural nursing practice specialists. The research instruments included the semi-structured open-ended interview form with open-ended questions and the first and second edition opinion questionnaires on health status assessment based on the cultural model for transcultural clients. Data collection was performed three rounds: 1) expert interview (71 days), 2) expert inquiry (55 days), and 3) expert inquiry (30 days). Data were analyzed by means of content analysis, median statistics, and interquartile range.

The research results revealed that health status assessment based on the cultural model for transcultural clients consisted of four key components and nineteen sub-elements. The first component was personal’s factors containing six sub-elements. The lifestyle behavior was the second one containing five sub-elements. Another one was health care which included five sub-elements. The last was the environment component with three sub-elements. All sub-elements are important to the greatest extent possible in assessing the transcultural health status of the clients.

This research suggests that registered nurses should adopt the health status assessment based on the cultural model for transcultural clients in order to be able to provide the holistic assessment to the service clients which will result in more efficient nursing services.

Author Biography

Laddawan Puttaruksa, Faculty of Nursing, Burapha University

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How to Cite

Puttaruksa, L., & Chaisena Dallas, J. (2021). The Development of Health Status Assessment Based on the Cultural Model for Transcultural Clients. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 32(1), 92–108. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)