Nursing Roles in Lipohypertrophy Prevention of Patients Receiving Insulin Injection


  • Nayada Thanakijtummakul McCormick Faculty of Nursing, Payap University, Chiang Mai Province


Nursing roles, Prevention, Lipohypertrophy, Insulin injection


Lipohypertrophy (LH) is a common complication in patients with diabetes caused by insulin injections. As a result of the immune-mediated adverse effects of repeated insulin exposure. It occurs in subcutaneous tissue. The fat cells enlarge and proliferate resulting in an abnormal accumulation of fat underneath the surface of the skin. This effect makes insulin absorb slower and unpredictable, causing inappropriately high insulin requirements and unable to control blood sugar levels. Therefore, nurses need to have knowledge and understanding about the occurrence of lipohypertrophy and the correct insulin injection technique, including evaluating and examining insulin injection sites regularly. To be able to provide knowledge, improve awareness, and provide nursing care to prevent and reduce the incidence of lipohypertrophy in patients receiving insulin injection.


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How to Cite

Thanakijtummakul, N. (2022). Nursing Roles in Lipohypertrophy Prevention of Patients Receiving Insulin Injection. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 33(1), 251–263. Retrieved from



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