Contraceptive Implant Promotion among Postpartum Adolescents Using Motivation and Family Support


  • Charuwan Tarmong Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi


Contraceptive implant, Postpartum adolescent, Motivation, Family support


Repeated pregnancy among postpartum adolescents is still a problem in society. This can affect all dimensions, including the adolescent life, their child, family, society and economics. An important cause of repeated pregnancy is the lack of the effective and continuous contraceptive for pregnancy prevention such as contraceptive implant. This is because of the lack of knowledge of contraceptive implant, having a negative attitude toward contraceptive implant, and lacking the family support. Therefore, health care providers should play an important role to promote using of the contraceptive implant among postpartum adolescents by motivating their awareness toward the impact of repeated pregnancy, encouraging their confidence in the safety of contraceptive implant, and giving opportunities for the family to support the use of the contraceptive implant. These will help to motivate the postpartum adolescents to choose the contraceptive implant as a method for preventing repeated pregnancy.


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How to Cite

Tarmong, C. (2020). Contraceptive Implant Promotion among Postpartum Adolescents Using Motivation and Family Support. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 31(1), 167–177. Retrieved from



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