A Study of Medication Errors from Prescribing by Non-medical Health Providers for Patients with Chronic Diseases Following up at Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Laemngop District, Trat Province
Medication error, Prescribing, Chronic disease, Non-medical health providerAbstract
This prospective descriptive research aimed to determine the incidence and causes of medication errors from prescribing by non-medical health providers. The samples consisted of 298 prescription written by non-medical health providers for patients with chronic diseases following up at Bang-kradan Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital and Namchiew Subdistrict Health Promoting Hospital, Laemngop District, Trat Province. The research instrument was a 3-part recording form of general data and medication error events. Data were collected in April, 2013. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency and percentage.
The research results revealed that 1) an incidence of medication errors from prescribing was 42.62% (127 documents, 132 times): 45 times of error were not enough drug to use before the appointment (34.09%), 18 times of incorrect drug use (13.64%), and 9 times of incorrect drug intensity (6.82%); and 2) regarding the causes of medication errors from prescribing, it was found that 91 times of error were from staff (68.94%) and 39 times from communication (29.55%).
This research suggests that the executive should apply these research results for developing medication errors protecting system as well as enlighten involved staff, together with continuously review quality of system.
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