Factors Affecting the Spiritual Well-being among Family Caregivers of Persons with Physical Disability
Spiritual well-being, Family caregiver, Person with physical disabilityAbstract
This predictive correlational research aimed to determine the spiritual well-being and factors affecting the spiritual well-being among family caregivers of persons with physical disability. The samples consisted of 180 family caregivers of persons with physical disability in Chanthaburi Province. The research instruments were composed of the Mini-mental State Examination: Thai version, an interview form of general information, an interview form of religious activities with the reliability of .88, an interview form of perceived caregiving burden with the reliability of .82, an interview form of caregiver and care-recipient relationship with the reliability of .94, an interview form of social support with the reliability of .83, and an interview form of spiritual well-being with the reliability of .91. Data were collected from June to August, 2017. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression.
The research results revealed that family caregivers had the mean scores of spiritual well-being by overall and each dimension at a high level. Religious activities, perceived caregiving burden, caregiver and care-recipient relationship, and social support were statistically significant accounted for 25.80% of the variance for spiritual well-being (adj. R2 = .258, p < .05). The most significant predicting factor was caregiver and care-recipient relationship (Beta = .292, p < .001) followed by perceived caregiving burden (Beta = -.175, p < .05).
This research suggests that health care providers should assess spiritual well-being of family caregivers of persons with disability. Additionally, nursing instructors should appropriately apply the research results for lesson regarding home visiting and family caregiver’s spiritual well-being care.
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