The Application of The Parent School Model based on the Concept of Learning with Brain Based Learning (BBL) for Caring of Primigravidas, Samutprakarn Hospital


  • Charoen Opassatian โรงพยาบาลสมุทรปราการ


The Parent School Model, Brain based learning, Primigravida


This action research aimed to apply and to examine the effects of anapplication of The Parent School Model based on the concept of learning with brain based learning (BBL) for caring of primigravidas, Samutprakarn Hospital. The participants consisted of 20 primigravidas receiving services at Samutprakarn Hospital and their husbands, including 5 participants of professional nurses working at antenatal care unit, labor room, and postpartum ward, and obstetrician. The research instruments were composed of a questionnaire of personal characteristics, a questionnaire of perception of services receiving from health care personnels with the reliability of .69, a questionnaire of needs of services from health care personnels with the reliability of .93, a questionnaire of satisfaction for attending activities with the reliability of .84, a test of knowledge for performance with the reliability of .78, a questionnaire of health promoting behaviors with the reliability of .75, a recording form of birth weight, a guideline of interview, and a guideline of focus group discussion. The implementation and data collection were conducted for three phases from April to November, 2017. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test, and content analysis.

The research results revealed that 1) the primigravidas had overall mean scores of perception of services receiving from health care personnels and needs of services from health care personnels at the high level ( = 3.86, SD = .32 and = 4.39, SD = .43, respectively); 2) an operation comprised three phases:- the fisrt phase were composed of an analysis of perception of services receiving from health care personnels and needs of services from health care personnels, including a caring pattern for primigravidas of the obstetrics and gynecology department, the second phase was an application of The Parent School Model, and the third phase was an evaluation of an application of The Parent School Model; 3) the primigravidas had an overall mean score of satisfaction for attending activities at the highest level ( = 4.81, SD = .39); 4) after attending activities of The Parent School Model, the primigravidas had statistically significant higher mean scores of knowledge for performance and health promoting behaviors than before the attending (t = 11.600, p < .001 and t = 6.003, p < .001, respectively); and 5) 95% of the primigravidas gave birth of 2,500 grams and over.

This research suggested that nursing administrators should apply The Parent School Model for developing the primigravida caring system emphasizing health care providers participation with continuously operation, as well as process and outcomes should be evaluated.


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How to Cite

Opassatian, C. (2018). The Application of The Parent School Model based on the Concept of Learning with Brain Based Learning (BBL) for Caring of Primigravidas, Samutprakarn Hospital. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 28(2), 140–152. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)