The Effects of Dental Health Education Program on Modifying Oral Health Behaviors in the 6th-year Primary Education Students


  • Narongsak Bunchaleow กลุ่มงานทันตสาธารณสุข สำนักงานสาธารณสุขจังหวัดสุรินทร์


The Dental Health Education Program, Dental health knowledge, Oral hygiene behavior, Amount of plaque, Primary education student


This quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effects of Dental Health Education Program on modifying oral health behaviors in students. Subjects consisted of 61 6th-year primary education students studying at a school in Surin province. They were divided into 2 groups, 31 for an experimental group and 30 for a control group. The research instruments composed of the Dental Health Education Program, a test for dental health knowledge with the reliability of .73, with the difficulty and the discrimination within the range of .40-.80 and .20-.80, respectively, a scale for oral hygiene behaviors with the reliability of .67, and a record form for amount of plaque. The implementation and data collection were conducted from July to November, 2015. Statistics used for data analysis included frequency, percentage, paired t-test, and independent t-test.

Results revealed that after the experiment, the experimental group had statistically significant higher scores of dental health knowledge and oral hygiene behaviors than before the experiment (t = 12.878, p < .001 and t = 12.975, p < .001, respectively) and higher than those in the control group (t = 6.458, p < .001 and t = 10.619, p < .001, respectively). Additionally, it was found that after the experiment, the experimental group had statistically significant lower score of amount of plaque than before the experiment (t = 14.498, p < .001) and lower than that in the control group (t = 11.900, p < .001).

This study suggested that dental health personnel should adopt this dental health education program in educational activities, including in dental health problems solving among healthcare service networks.


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How to Cite

Bunchaleow, N. (2018). The Effects of Dental Health Education Program on Modifying Oral Health Behaviors in the 6th-year Primary Education Students. Journal of Phrapokklao Nursing College, Chanthaburi, 27(Suppl. 1), 17–27. Retrieved from



Research Report (รายงานการวิจัย)