
  • Wilailug Thiangkham Graduate Student in Master of Nursing Science major in Occupational Health Nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University.
  • Orawan Kaewboonchoo Department of Public Health Nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University.
  • Plernpit Boonyamalik Departmentof Public Health Nursing, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University.


Eyes injuries, Occupational injury, Hypertensive Patient’s Relatives


Eye injury is a common work-related injury among stone carving workers is the problem that effect to work, expenses and cause vision loss. The object of this research for study the prevalence and factors related to eyes injury among stone carving workers the research is a cross-sectional survey the sample group is among stone carving workers in Chonburi and Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand for 390 people. The data was collected by interviews created by researcher and analysis by descriptive statistics for describes the distribution of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square and Logistic Regression Analysis

                        The results showed that among stone carving workers had eye injury 75.4% less than 1 times per week 83.7% type of injury is eye irritation 90.1% self caring with eye irrigation by clean water 45.6% the majority of sample is male 59.7% average age 40.83 years, educational level is primary school and lower 67.7% average salary 14200 TH bath adequate income 57.9% average years' experience is 10.91 years average working hour per day is 7.59 hours. Factors related to eyes injury among stone carving workers statistically significant (p-value < .05) is among stone carving workers that  years' experience £ 5 years which risk for eye injury more than among stone carving workers that  years' experience > 5 years is 2 times (OR = 2.078, 95%CI = 1.220 – 3.540) rubbing eye during working which risk for eye injury more than among stone carving workers that no rubbing eye during working 4 times (OR = 4.134, 95%CI = 2.420 – 7.062) warning from employer when among stone carving workers do not use the safety glasses get the risk for eye injury more than among stone carving workers  who did not receive a warning for 2 times (OR = 2.060, 95%CI = 1.178-3.603)

                       This study suggests is the public health nurse and related organization should provide a project to promote prevention eye injury for among stone carving workers especially among stone carving workers that years' experience < 5 years


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How to Cite

Thiangkham, W., Kaewboonchoo, O., & Boonyamalik, P. . (2023). FACTORS RELATED TO EYES INJURIES AMONG STONE CARVING WORKERS. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 36(3), 35–57. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phn/article/view/259462



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