Effects of a program using Thai Buddhist Dhamma medicine and Thai traditional medicine to alleviate the symptoms of COVID-19 in patient at Chalong Krung community, Bangkok


  • Tanavan Sriamonruttanakul Department of Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, PathumThani University
  • Somporn Jitruttanaporn Department of Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, PathumThani University


Thai traditional medicine, Buddhist Dhamma medicine, COVID-19


               This quasi-experimental study used a one-group pretest-posttest design. The thirty participants were patients with COVID-19 at Chalong Krung community, Bangkok. The Purposive sampling for those who are able to care for themselves at home in home isolation, have a mobile phone that can connect to the internet, can communicate in Thai and willing to participate in the study. The research instruments consisted of the Buddhist Dhamma and Thai traditional medicine program via ZOOM program, knowledge of using Buddhist Dhamma and Thai traditional medicine questionnaire, perception of using Buddhist Dhamma and Thai traditional medicine questionnaire, behavior of using Buddhist Dhamma and Thai traditional medicine questionnaire and symptoms of the COVID-19 questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage and Paired t-test. The results found that after joining the program, the mean score of knowledge of using Buddhist Dhamma and Thai traditional medicine, the mean score of perception of using Buddhist Dhamma and Thai traditional medicine and the mean score of behavior of using Buddhist Dhamma and Thai traditional medicine was higher than that before with statistical significance (p <.001). The mean score of symptoms of the COVID-19 was lower than that before with statistical significance (p <.001). Therefore, health professional can apply the program to alleviate the discomfort caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 in the communities in which they are responsible.



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How to Cite

Sriamonruttanakul, T., & Jitruttanaporn, S. (2022). Effects of a program using Thai Buddhist Dhamma medicine and Thai traditional medicine to alleviate the symptoms of COVID-19 in patient at Chalong Krung community, Bangkok. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 36(2), 51–65. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/phn/article/view/256366



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