The Effect of ADHD Parenting Training Program on Behavior Problems in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder


  • Kanlaya Suwannasing Psychiatric Nurse in Psychiatric Unit Songkhla Hospital
  • Orawan Nukaew Faculty of Nursing Prince Songkhla University
  • Kittiporn nawsuwan Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Songkhla
  • Kanlaya Hotheem Psychiatric Department of Songkhla Hospital


ADHD parent training program, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: ADHD, Behavioral Modification’s


        Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is prevalence among school age children, affecting on learning problems. Behavior modification is necessary care but still lack of effective model. This Quasi-experimental research, aimed to examine the effects of ADHD Parenting training program on behavior problem in ADHD child. 27 primary caregivers of ADHD children at Songkhla hospital were recruited to study. An experimental tool was ADHD parenting training program based on conceptual framework of behavior therapy, operant conditioning theory of Pavlov and Skinner and modeling theory of Bandura. The program included 3 times (90-120 minute each), every 3 weeks (17 April –29 May 2020) and assigns homework by 1) Activates Daily table 2) Management of behavior problem and 3) Discussion homework, follow up after 9 weeks (31 July 2020). The measurement behavior problem in ADHD child tool use SNAP-IV Thai version. Data were analyzed using paired t-test.

            The results revealed that the mean score of behavior problems after participating in Program was significantly lower than before participating in the program every category including inattention behavior (M=11.78, S.D.=3.99), Hyperactivity/ Impulsivity (M=10.56, S.D.=5.40), and Oppositional defiant behavior (M=8.33, S.D.=3.68). Thus, this program could decrease behavior problems among ADHD children.


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How to Cite

Suwannasing, K., Nukaew, O., nawsuwan, K., & Hotheem, K. . (2021). The Effect of ADHD Parenting Training Program on Behavior Problems in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Public Health Nursing, 34(3), 37–51. retrieved from



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