Advanced maternal age pregnancy: Nursing concern for nurse-midwifery สตรีตั้งครรภ์อายุมาก : การพยาบาลที่ควรตระหนักชของพยาบาลผดุงครรภ์


  • Supawadee Thaewpia


advanced maternal age pregnancy, nursing care, nurse midwifery


Advanced maternal age pregnancy (AMA) is one of the maternal newborn and midwifery health problems. Many countries in the western world concerned and work to prevent and solve these health problems. In Thailand, the number of AMA increase steadily, therefore, the health needs in the high risk group are increase as well. Nurse-midwifery is the key person who works for AMA to reach the goal of maternal and newborn health care. This article aims to present the AMA nursing care guidance for improving the surveillance and reducing the risks and complications that can promote wellbeing and effective childrearing in AMA.


