The Effects of Self-Efficacy Development in Caregivers of Childrenwith Uncontrolled Asthma


  • สุรีพร ศรีสุทธิกมล
  • สุพรรณี สุ่มเล็ก


self-efficacy development, caregivers, children with uncontrolled asthma


The purpose of this study was to study the effectsof self-efficacy development among caregivers ofchildren with uncontrolled asthma.Quasi-experimental research was conducted ona group using a pre/post-test design. Participantsincluded twenty caregivers of children with uncontrolledasthma seen at the Pediatric Respiratory Clinic ofSrinagarind Hospital, Khon Kaen University and KhonKaen Hospital, Khon Kaen, Thailand, respectively.Data were collected before and after 5 weeks ofintervention, given between September 2008 andFebruary 2009, using two questionnaires; viz.,self-efficacy of the caregiver caring for asthmatic children and the caring behavior of caregivers ofasthmatic children.  The reliability was 0.94 and 0.86,respectively.  The paired t-test and Wilcoxon signedranks test were used to analyze the data.The results showed that after developingself-efficacy: (1) the mean score for self-efficacy ofcaregivers of asthmatic children was slightly higher,albeit not significantly (p-value = 0.165) (95%CI:-0.16 to 0.46); (2) the mean score for behavior ofcaregivers of asthmatic children was significantly higher(p-value = 0.007); and, (3) the percentage of childrenwith controlled asthma was increased.In summary, after the development ofself-efficacy among caregivers, self-efficacy was onlyslightly increased; however, the caring behaviors ofthe asthmatic child him/herself and the childûs healthwere significantly improved; namely, (1) the behaviorfor protecting oneself from asthmatic attack; (2)medicine administration; and, (3) caring for the childduring an acute asthmatic attack. This protocol shouldbe considered as a guideline for caregivers of asthmaticchildren in various settings, and be adapted by nursinginnovation into many forms. Future study shouldconsider disease progression and the longitudinalappropriateness of caregiversû behavior.


