Perception of Health Welfare Service Management in Nursing faculty members, KhonKaen University


  • แก้วกาญจน์ เสือรัมย์
  • กรรณิการ์ โกฏิมนัสวนิชย์


health, health welfare service management, well-being, workplace safety, social work happiness


The purpose of this descriptive research wasto determine perception of the health welfare servicemanagement for Nursing faculty members, KhonKaenUniversity. The subjects included 109 nursing facultymembers in both teaching and supporting staffparticipating between October 2007 and September2008. The instruments for data collection consistedof a demographic characteristics and health welfareservice data form. The questionnaire was developedand based on previous study. The content validity wasestablished by 3 experts and Cronbach, s alphacoefficient reliability was 0.92. The data were analyzedusing frequencies, percentage, mean and standarddeviation.The results of the study revealed that the opinionof nursing faculty members towards health welfareservice management for health well-being, workplace safety and social work happiness showed the highestagreement or appropriateness at 68.80, 70.60 and60.60 percent respectively. On the opinion towardshealth welfare service management for healthwell-being, it was found that the members hadthe highest agreement or appropriateness with theproviding adequate clean drink water for them andannual health examination  on their privilege. On thatfor workplace safety, it was found that the membershad the highest agreement or appropriateness withproviding adequate clean drink water, toilet andcanteen. On the opinion towards health welfare servicemanagement for social work happiness, it was foundthat the members had the highest agreement orappropriateness with the providing home visit in caseof sickness or maternity, making merit when themember or first degree relative of the members diedand making opportunity for members to participatesome activities at least 2-3 time annually. Such asmeditation workshop and field trip.In conclusion, the health welfare servicemanagement in nursing faculty members, Khon KaenUniversity should cover all services for healthwell-being, workplace safety and social workhappiness.




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