Empowerment Development Model to Perception on Maternal Role and Self Care Efficacy among Postpartum Adolescents


  • นงลักษณ์ พลแสน
  • สร้อย อนุสรณ์ธีรกุล


adolescent mothers, perceived self care efficacy, empowerment


The  purpose  of  this  study  was to developthe empowerment model of perceptions on  thematernal  role and the self care efficacy  among  thepostpartum adolescents.The conceptual  frameworkwas based on Jensenûs and Bobakûs (1987) self  careefficacy concept and Gibson (1995) empowermentconcept. The subjects were 84 adolescent mothers whoadmitted the postpartum units of Buriram Hospital.Theywere  equally  assigned in to the controlled and theexperimental group, 42 persons in each group.Theinstruments used in this study  were  the empowermentnursing model and the hand book of postpartummothers.The  instruments of data collection  werethe demographic data record and the perceived selfefficacy questionnaire. The  reliability of questionnairewas cronbach ùs alpha coefficient  that  gave  a  valueof  0.81. The data were analysed  by  using descriptivestatistics, t - test.The results showed that the experimental groupsignificantly perceived on  the maternal  role, onphysical self care efficacy and psychological self careefficacy  after the intervention higher were  on statisticsand higher  than  the  controlled  group  after theintervention on  statistics, The controlled group alsosignificantly perceived  on  the maternal  role andphysical  self care efficacy after the intervention higheron statistics as well.Mean while, the  perception onpsychological self care efficacy before and  after  theintervention  of the controlled  group was  not  differentin significance on statistics.


