The Effects of Asthma Camp on Self-management among School-age Children with Asthma and their Caregivers
school-age children with asthma, self-management, asthma camp, participatory learningบทคัดย่อ
The purpose of this quasi-experimentalresearch, one group pretest-posttest design, is tostudy the effects of the asthma camp on self-management skills of school-age children withasthma and their caregivers. The sample consistedof sixteen school-age children with asthma andtheir caregivers from a child asthma clinic at acommunity hospital. They received a self-managementeducational program in two days of the asthmacamp. The program was based on three conceptsof self-management, asthma management andprevention of GINA (2006), and participatorylearning among the children, their caregivers andnurse educators. The subjects were evaluated ontheir self-management skills before and afterreceiving the asthma camp. Data were collectedusing two questionnaires : a child self-managementasthma and a caregiver self-management asthma,which their reliability were 0 .72 and 0.84, respectively.Data were analyzed by using paired t-testThe results showed that1. after the Asthma Camp, the mean totalscores of self-management among school-agechildren with asthma is higher than before theasthma camp, with a statistically significant level(p < 0.001)2. after the Asthma Camp, the mean totalscores of self-management among their caregivershigher than before the asthma camp, with a statisticallysignificant level (p < 0.01)The finding reflected that asthma camp can helpschool-age children with asthma and their caregiversimprove their self-management skills lelated toself-monitoring, self-regulating, self-adjusting anddecision-making. The asthma camp should be continue to used for school-age children with asthma andtheir caregivers and applied to other children withchronic illness.Downloads
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เพชรนอก ส, เกิดผล ว. The Effects of Asthma Camp on Self-management among School-age Children with Asthma and their Caregivers. J Nurs Sci Health [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 19 มีนาคม 2012 [อ้างถึง 14 มีนาคม 2025];32(2):1-10. available at:
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