

  • ปราณี ธีรโสภณ
  • โสมภัทร ศรไชย


nurse competency, reproductive health, quality improvement


This action research study aimed at exploringmodel and guideline to develop nurse competencyin quality improvement. Twenty two nurses whoare working on reproductive health care services atevery level of health institute in Northeastern area wereparticipated in the study. The study started from January2008 to February 2009. Documentation study,participatory observation, interview, focus group, groupprocess of reflection their experiences and sharing theirideas were used to collect the data. Content analysiswas used to synthesize a possible model and guidelineto develop nurse competency in quality improvement. The study revealed that 1) four principle models todevelop nurse competency in quality improvement are:learning model through developed model in the sameinstitute, networking model, continuing educationmodel, and self study model. 2) guideline to developnurse competency in quality improvement are:perceptive development, essential capacity building,nursing practice guideline development, nursinginstrument development, and also  mechanism to attachand check their work. The result of this study couldbe used to plan on nursing man power developmentin order to allow nurses to have essential competencyin quality improvement, which propel quality in nursingprofession.


