Experiences of Patients Encountering Difficulty Weaning from Mechanical Ventilation.


  • รุ่งทิพย์ ดารายนต์
  • เพลินพิศ ฐานิวัฒนานนท์
  • วิภาวี คงอินทร์


difficulty weaning, mechanical ventilation, experiences


This phenomenological study aimed to explorepatientsû experiences on encountering difficulty weaningfrom mechanical ventilation.  Ten informants werepatients who experienced weaning mechanical ventilation for not less than two weeks. Data werecollected using in-depth interview and were analyzedusing van Manenûs analysis. The experiences of weaningdifficulty from mechanical ventilation were expressedin the following aspects: 1) being worried and fearfulfrom lack of understanding of the weaning process,2) living with suffering from multiple sources likedpain, inability to communicate, inadequate sleep, lackof freedom and independence, 3) being hopeless anddesperate from specific situations, and 4) facingunwanted situations. However, the informants reportedthree supportive factors helping them to overcome thosedifficulties: 1) self endeavor, 2) receiving care fromfamily and significant others, and 3) receiving goodnursing care. In addition, the informants reflected theirneeds of care in six aspects: 1) being informed andprepared for the weaning process, 2) being promptlyhelped by nurses when having dyspnea, 3) havingpain relieved, 4) being able to communicateeffectively, 5) being encouraged by the health team,and 6) being close to family and significant othersat all times.The results offer basic knowledge in providingholistic care for patients receiving mechanicalventilation, especially promoting effective care duringweaning from the ventilator.




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