การสนับสนุนการจัดการดูแลตนเองสำหรับผู้ป่วยเรื้อรัง : แนวคิดสู่การปฏิบัติ


  • Ampornpan Teeranute
  • Nonglak Nethakanjanasak


self-management support, chronic illness, 5A’s strategy, uncontrolled diabetes mellitus


Abstract  :

               Self-management support is a key component of the chronic care model. Much evidence supports the positive outcomes of implementing self-management support among the chronically   ill including organizational and patient outcomes. This paper aims to introduce the application of self-management support in a clinical setting. The  5A’s  including 1.Assess 2. Advice  3. Agree 4. Assist 5. Arrange is used for facilitating self-management support. Five are also employed while implementing self-management support; they are 1.approach 2.evaluation 3.communication 4. collaboration and 5.Continuity. The application of self-management support via the 5A’s  is demonstrated through a case study (uncontrolled diabetes mellitus). Positive clinical outcomes were shown after 6 weeks of application.


