Situation of Low Birth Weight in Nakhon Phanom Province and theirs Related Risk Factors


  • Yoawaluk Phothidara
  • Somsamorn Ruangvoraboon
  • Sirirat Intharakasem


maternal risk factor, low birth weight


This retrospective case control study aims to determine situation of low birth weight (LBW) and theirrelated risk factors in Nakhonphanom hospital, Nakhon Phanom province between January 2007 and December2009. There were 6,562 mothers in this study.  955 mothers were the study group who gave birth a babyweight less than 2,500 grams and 5,607 mothers were the control group who gave birth a baby weight 2,500grams or over. Data were collected from maternal medical records. Descriptive data and information includedmaternal characteristics, obstetrical and nutritional status was analyzed by using SPPS.  Chi-square test andmultiple logistic regressions were applied to analyze risk factor.

The result shows the incidence of low birth weight during these 3 years in 11-19%. When  performedunivariate analysis, we found risk factors for LBW were maternal characteristics;  age < 20 years and age > 35years, unemployed mother or housewife, uneducated mother, study only primary or secondary level, low income,have malnutritional status and obstetrical status; parity, ANC visit less than 4 times, maternal complication,preterm, Breech delivery. Applying multiple logistic regression, it revealed that the maternal risk factors whichsignificantly associated with LBW were gestational age less than 37 weeks (OR=7.08; 95% CI=5.89-8.51),weight gain during pregnancy less than10 kgs. (OR=6.63; 95%CI=5.51-7.98), maternal complication(OR=3.54; 95% CI=2.98-4.21), ANC visits less than 4 times (OR=19.4; 95% CI=1.48-2.55) maternalhaematocrit(OR=1.58; 95% CI=1.22-2.04), maternal height <150 cm (OR=1.3; 95% CI= 1.1-1.6). Logisticmultiple regression showed that 7 factors can predict LBW in 37%.


