Health care service for older persons with stroke: Focusing on prevention or cure


  • sakorn intolo


health care service, older persons, situational analysis, stroke prevention


This qualitative study aimed to explore situation of health care services for the elders with stroke in a primary health care context during October 2015 to February 2016. The 43 people were stakeholders from primary health care sectors. Data were collected using in-depth interview and analyzed by using content analysis.  Findings indicate that health care services for stroke persons focusing on treatment rather than prevention, which included: 1) screening for NCDs treatment; 2) NCD clinic services; 3) stroke fast track networks and referral system; 4) continuing care and 5) service outcomes. Results showed that health sector more significant than other sector.  Therefore, the development of health care service requires all sectors’ participation and collaboration, especially health care service stroke prevention. 

Author Biography

sakorn intolo

Khon Kaen University


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