The relationship between burden and coping strategies among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia


  • Hana Nafiah Khon Kaen University


schizophrenia, caregiver, burden, coping strategies


Caregivers who endure a lot of tasks in caring for schizophrenic patients experience increased burden and it is important to understand the coping strategies of those to mediate the situation. Descriptive cross sectional study aimed to examine the relationship between burden and coping strategies and to explore burden and coping strategies among 98 caregivers of patients with schizophrenia in Pekalongan, Indonesia. Data were collected during February to April, 2015 using the Burden Assessment Schedule (BAS) by SCARF and Brief Cope instrument by Carver. Statistical analysis using descriptive statistics and Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient to examine the relationship between burden and coping.

             Results showed that Burden was correlated with problem focused coping (r = -0.389, p-value ≤ 0.000) and emotion focused coping (r = 0.321, p-value ≤ 0.001).  Most of the participants were female (71.4%) and parents of patients, age more than 50 years (48%). Most of the patients were male (59%) and take care more than 5 years. Caregivers use both problems focused and emotion focused coping strategies. Use religion by praying or mediating was the most used followed by self-distraction by doing something to lesser thinking, and behavioral disengagement by trying to get advice and help from others. Results confirmed that caregivers with high burden exhibited less problem focused coping and when caregivers have high burden, they used more emotion focused coping. This study suggests that it could be useful for health professionals to understand and provide intervention to reduce burden and cope with burden.

Author Biography

Hana Nafiah, Khon Kaen University

Thailand Citation Index Centre




How to Cite

Nafiah H. The relationship between burden and coping strategies among caregivers of patients with schizophrenia. J Nurs Sci Health [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 26 พฤศจิกายน 2015 [อ้างถึง 7 มีนาคม 2025];38(3):75-8. available at: