Factors predicting timely initiation of antenatal care among pregnant women in Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam
Pregnant women, antenatal care, timely initiation of antenatal care.บทคัดย่อ
Early antenatal visit is acknowledged to be an effective method of preventing adverse outcomes in pregnant women and their infants. The objectives of this predictive correlation study were to determine the timely initiation of antenatal care (ANC) and examine the influence of maternal age, maternal education, parity, knowledge about ANC, and family support for pregnancy on timely initiation of ANC among Vietnamese pregnant women. A random sample of 109 pregnant women visiting antenatal clinic from February to March, 2015 at Quy Nhon General Hospital in Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam were recruited in the study. The self-report questionnaires were used for data collection. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics, Pearson Chi-Square, Point Biserial, and multiple logistic regression. The study results showed that the average gestational age for the first ANC of the respondents were 11.85 weeks (S.D. = 5.34) and more than two thirds of the respondents started ANC within 12 weeks (72.5%). Pregnant women with 18-35 years old were 47.95 times more likely to initiate ANC after 12 weeks compared to women older than 35 years old (AOR= 47.95, 95% CI= 3.80-605.74, p=.003). Women’s knowledge about ANC (AOR = .24, 95% CI = .10-.57, p =.001) and family support for pregnancy (AOR =.73, 95% CI=.57-.95, p=.020) were found to be predictors of early initiation of ANC. These findings suggest that we should pay more attention to pregnant women 18-35 years old and increasing knowledge about ANC. Antenatal care needs to enlarge and encourage the attention of all members in family, should not only focus on pregnant women.
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