Factors associated with breastfeeding initiation among postpartum mothers in Thai Nguyen Hospital, Vietnam


  • Ngoc Thi Bich Le Burapha University


Initiation/breastfeeding/ knowledge / intention/ attitude/family member


This study aimed to examine the average hours until breastfeeding initiation, and the rate of breastfeeding initiation in the first hour after delivery, and to identify the factors that predict hours to breastfeeding initiation. The ninety pairs of mothers and their family members were randomly selected from the postpartum ward to participate in the study and were asked to complete the self – report questionnaires. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Pearson’s correlation and standard multiple regression. The results of the study revealed that the average time to breastfeeding initiation was 2.96 hours (Mean = 2.96, SD = 1.54) and only 16.7% of mothers initiated breastfeeding within one hour after delivery. Pearson correlation analysis showed that maternal breastfeeding knowledge and breastfeeding intention, and family member’s attitude toward breastfeeding were negatively significantly correlated with hours until breastfeeding initiation (r =-.43, p <.05, r = -.39, p < .05, r =- .49, p <.05, respectively). However, there was no correlation between maternal age and attitude toward breastfeeding with hours until breastfeeding initiation (p>.05). The results of standard multiple regression indicated that the significant predictors of breastfeeding initiation were maternal breastfeeding knowledge (β = -.20, p< 0.05) and breastfeeding intention (β =-.20, p< .005), and family member’s attitude (β =-.327, p< 0.0), which explained 33% of variance (R2 = .307, F [3, 86] =14.15, p<.001). Implications are that nurses should provide enough breastfeeding knowledge, encourage maternal breastfeeding intention and create a positive attitude of family members.





Author Biography

Ngoc Thi Bich Le, Burapha University

I am studying master nursing student in Burapha university at present and I work as a lecturer at faculty of nursing, Thai Nguyen university of medicine and pharma, Vietnam.


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How to Cite

Le NTB. Factors associated with breastfeeding initiation among postpartum mothers in Thai Nguyen Hospital, Vietnam. J Nurs Sci Health [อินเทอร์เน็ต]. 2 กันยายน 2015 [อ้างถึง 7 มีนาคม 2025];38(2):15-28. available at: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/nah/article/view/33534