บทบาทพยาบาลผดุงครรภ์ในการให้ข้อมูลหญิงตั้งครรภ์เกี่ยวกับการเจาะน้ำคร่ำ The Role of a Nurse-Midwife in Providing Information to Pregnant Women about Amniocentesis


  • Boonmee Phoodaangau


Nurse-midwife, Information, Amniocentesis, Pregnant women


Amniocentesis is a prenatal diagnosis procedure and this procedure is continually increasing. Amniocentesis
may induce a sense of fear and anxiety in pregnant women and their families. One of the major reasons that pregnant
woman and their families experience such fear and anxiety in relation to amniocentesis procedure is due to the
inefficient knowledge and lack of information made available to them. The nurse-midwife has an important role in
providing information and counseling. Therefore, all midwifes should have the knowledge, skills and information
guideline or accessible resources in relation to amniocentesis procedures. The goal for nurses is to ensure and
enable pregnant women and their families to be able to make their own decisions with confidence, as this would help
to reduce the fear and anxiety level, and consequently it will help them to accept and acknowledge the procedurals
outcomes and results.


