ปจจัยที่มีอิทธิพลตอการดื่มที่เปนปญหาของ นักศึกษาวิทยาลัยในภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือของไทย Factors Influencing Problem Drinking among College Students in Northeast Thailand


  • อุทัยทิพย์ จันทร์เพ็ญ
  • ดารุณี จงดุดมการณ์
  • จิราพร เขียวอยู่


problem drinking, alcohol actions, adolescents, college students


This analytical cross-sectional study aimed to explore factors influencing problem drinking among college
students in northeast Thailand. 1,149 vocational and technical students in Khon Kaen province were randomly
recruited to complete 11 self-report questionnaires. All questionnaires were approved for content validity and
reliability. Ordinal, multinomial and binary logistic regressions were used. A p level < 0.05 was considered to be
statistically significant. Findings showed that six factors influenced problem drinking among males and females;
two factors affected only males, while three factors influenced only females. Based on these results, existing alcohol
action programs in Khon Kaen province have not been able to cover all risk factors and enhance protective factors.
The findings will be useful for those who are interested in developing programs for prevention of alcohol abuse,
taking into account the wishes of young people.


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