ผลกลุมบําบัดผสมผสานตอความเครียดและความภาคภูมิใจในผูสูงอายุ บ้านหนองหิน ต.ศิลา จ.ขอนแก่น Effect of Integrative Group Therapy for Stress and Self Esteem in the Elderly Bannonghin Sila Tumbol, Khon Kean


  • Kasom Chanawongse
  • Veena Isarankura Na Ayudhya
  • Ratchaneeboon Sethapoomirint
  • Tipawan Dansawadeekul
  • Apinya Banklang


integrative group therapy, stress, self esteem, the elderly.


This quasi experimental research aimed to study effect of integrative group therapy for stress and self esteem in the elderly women Sample size were the elderly women devided into experiment group 30 and control group 30. Selecting by specific random sampling. Using tools measurement stress and self esteem. Comparing before and after experiment and comparing between integrative group therapy included reminiscence group activities, meditation ,recreation and cooking. Control group did normal activities. Analyzing data using statistics (t-test) The result showed that experiment group which receiving integrative group therapy after experiment had difference lesser stress than before experiment, and higher self esteem. When comparing between group the effect of stress were not difference. Self esteem in experiment group higher than control group.
