ประสบการณ์การเสริมสร้างพลังอํานาจตนเองของผู้ป่วยโรคมะเร็งที่ประสบความผาสุกในชีวิตExperiences of Self-Empowerment among CancerPatients Achieving Well-being


  • ทัศนีย์ ขาว ทัศนีย์ ขาว
  • เพลินพิศ ฐานิวัฒนานนท์
  • ทิพมาส ชิณวงศ์


self -empowerment, achieving well-being, experiences, cancer patients.


This phenomenological study aimed to explain the experiences of self-empowerment among cancer patients achieving well-being. Data were collected using in-depth interview and analyzed using thematic analysis. The results showed that among cancer patients achieving well-being was composed of 6 dimensions: 1) not trou-bling the family, 2) building virtue by helping others in self-care 3) being able to accept the sickness not suffering or worrying 4) living and having no physical pain and suffering 5) having the ability to still perform normally 6) being able to survive until seeing success in the family. And defined the meaning of self-empowerment as fightingfor balancing the body and mind, which had 4 meanings: 1) self-care balancing of body and mind 2) learning to live with the cancer 3) having presence of mind and body and 4) overcoming the obstacles or rising from the life pit. The ways that the informants built self-empowerment were: 1) knowing the illness and reviewing one,s life, 2) setting consciousness and considering the truth of life to overcome suffering by using religion practices, and 3) integrating the choices that were appropriated to health care. The finding of this could be used as baseline information for developing self-empowerment of cancer patients to achieve well-being.


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