การส่งเสริมการดําเนินชีวิตเด็กปฐมวัย สำคัญและมีแนวทางอย่างไร?Why the Way of Life inEarly Childhood Promotion are Important and How to Approach?


  • Kaewkarn Suearam


way of life, early childhood


The way of lifeof early childhood.It is of paramount importance. It is the basis for the child to live with the environment in three areas: behavioral, mental, and intellectual, aspects of parenting and the promotion of it. This may be a parent or grandparent with four cardinal virtues is kind, please, kindliness, and detached to be a complete man. The children have been developed in order to show the behavior of the physical and social emotional expression. Expression and intellectual property. In order to make correct lifestyle. It also forms the foundation of the moral life of the children from the start. Absorb the beauty. Is good for society. Generous to others, have a pretty good closer. Leads to the well-being of society together.


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