omparison of Self-Management of Valvular Heart Disease Patients for Receiving Oral Anticoagulant Therapy Among Inside/ Outside of the Coagulant Therapeutic Range


  • Naluttaporn Suebsoh


valvular heart disease, warfarin, INR, self- manageme nt


This research aimed to compare the self-management of valvular heart disease patients for receiving warfarin;among whom the INR value was either inside/outside the therapeutic range. Sex, education andbleeding events were the factors included. There were 90 subjects.The instrument was the Regal Carson and Glaser questionnaire to measure adaptation to heart failure and self-management of the condition. The analyticalstatistics included percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests and chi-square tests. The assessment revealed important signs and symptoms changed with bleeding was statistically significant (p=0.05) but perception, practice and evaluation were non-significant .Similarly non-significant trends were found for sex, education and bleeding events.


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