Prevalence and risk factors of salmonella spp. In standard Broiler farms and poultry slaughterhouses in central of Thailand
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Objective - To investigate the prevalence and risk factors of Salmonella spp. contamination in broiler farms and poultry slaughterhouses as well as studying the risk factors from the assessment knowledge and understanding about working in farms and slaughterhouses to reduce risk factors and development and control of meat quality to ensure quality and safety for consumer
Materials and Methods - One thousand and seventy boot swab samples were collected from 12 collective broiler farms (S1, S2, six farms each), which slaughtered the broilers in slaughterhouse 1 (S1) and slaughterhouse 2 (S2), respectively. Three hundred carcasses rinse and 240 meat(breast,innerfillet) samples were also collected from S1 and S2 each, respectively, from January to December 2018. All samples were cultivated for Salmonella detecting using ISO 6579:2002 method. The questionnaires were used to evaluate risk factors related to the Salmonella contamination using descriptive statistical analysis.
Results - The study showed the prevalence of Salmonella spp. from broilers at F1 and F2 were 2.38 % (15/631) and 41.69 % (183/439) (p < 0.05), respectively. The prevalence of Salmonella spp. from carcasses rinse from S1 and S2 were 0.33 % (1/300) and 15.66% (47/300) (p < 0.05), and from chicken meat from S1 and S2 were 19.16% (46/240) and 7.08% (17/240) (p< 0.05), respectively. The study showed that the farm F2 was higher of in sharing of equipment’s use among houses such as boots, worker uniforms and feed trays than the farm F1 (70.74%, 21.05%). The S1 was delaying cleaning and changing contaminated equipment such as knives, butcher boards, baskets, and meat trays higher than that of the S2 (95.23 %, 2.04 %).
Conclusion - Slaughterhouses should have measures to prevent salmonella cross contamination such as cleaning programe after the equipment used is contaminated. and reduce the prevalence of Salmonella spp. contamination.
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