Correlations between Knowledge, Attitude and Preparedness to Enter the ASEAN Economic Community of Professional Nurses, Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University English

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เสาวลักษณ์ ทำมาก
บุญทิวา สู่วิทย์


This descriptive research aimed to study the correlations between knowledge, attitude and preparedness to enter the ASEAN Economic Community of professional nurses, Faculty of Medicine, Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University. The population of this research consisted of 861 professional nurses who began work in 2013. Random sampling was used base on rank by the ratio in each patient ward, followed by convenience sampling. In total, 269 subjects were obtained for the sample group. The instruments of the research comprised of questionnaires on knowledge, attitude and preparation to enter into the ASEAN Economic Community. The Content Validity Index (CVI) = 1, 0.93 and 0.90, respectively. The research instruments were tested for reliability for knowledge using KR-20 and Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient for attitude and preparedness to enter into the ASEAN Economic Community of Professional Nurses to obtain reliability scores of 0.75, 0.80 and 0.95, respectively. Data analysis was performed by using descriptive statistics, and Pearson’s
Production Moment Correlation Coefficient. The research findings revealed that the overall mean score of knowledge on entrance into the ASEAN Economic Community was at low levels (x = 4.99, S.D = 1.68), the overall of attitude toward entering into the ASEAN Economic Community of
professional nurses was moderate levels (x= 3.65, S.D = 0.42) and overall ofpreparedness to enter the ASEAN Economic Community of professional nurses was moderate level (x = 3.10, S.D = 0.56). From an overall perspective, knowledge and preparedness to enter into the ASEAN Economic Community of professional nurses show correlations without statistical significance at .05 (r = .075), attitude and preparedness to enter the ASEAN Economic Community show no correlations with statistical significance at 0.05 (r = .043).

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ทำมาก เ, สู่วิทย์ บ. Correlations between Knowledge, Attitude and Preparedness to Enter the ASEAN Economic Community of Professional Nurses, Faculty of Medicine Vajira Hospital, Navamindradhiraj University: English. KJN [Internet]. 2018 Jan. 10 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];24(2):51-66. Available from:
Research Articles


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